Emu Oil For Your Pet.

Denis Baker Emus 

Skin irritations can drive you and your pet crazy. There are many reasons why pets scratch. During the summer they could be suffering from bug bites, ear mites, sunburn, allergies or scratches. Your pet may have hot spots that become inflamed. When the weather turns colder, dogs with dry skin may start itching. Some breeds are more prone to skin problems than others. As pets age, they may also be more susceptible to skin problems such as eczema.

Whatever the reason, you need to find your dogs dry skin treatment quickly. If your pet continues scratching it could lead to loss of hair, bleeding and possible infection. You may be concerned that an over-the-counter lotion for dogs dry skin may contain chemicals or allergens that might make your pet’s condition even worse. Some prescription products may only mask your pet’s symptoms rather than alleviate them, and could cause long-term damage.

That’s why many pet owners use Emu Oil for dogs. Emu Oil can penetrate your pet’s skin quickly and provide relief. Emu Oil is also used for dogs’ hot spots and abrasions because the anti-inflammatory properties and anti-fungal properties help to soothe these conditions. This all-natural product contains no soap, no detergent or other ingredients that might be harmful to your pet, so you won’t have to worry if they try to lick it. Non-toxic Emu Oil is comprised of Omega 3, 6, 9 and other fatty acids which can help restore moisture and replenish damaged skin.

Emu Oil is safe to use with animals of all types including cats, birds, horses, ferrets, reptiles, and others. Many pet owners use it instead of shampoo for its cleansing properties and because they like the thick, shiny, healthy hair it leaves on their pet. Like humans, many pets can experience muscle pain, joint stiffness or arthritis which may prevent them from having fun and getting a proper amount of exercise. Emu Oil can also be used as a safe, anti-inflammatory rub to help loosen reduce stiffness so your pet can become more mobile. It has also been shown to help stomach problems when added to a pet’s food.

If you’re looking for a safe alternative to help dogs with dry skin, inflamed joints, and other skin conditions, Emu Oil could be the answer for you.

By: Katy Binford

To learn many other uses for Emu Oil and to place your order please visit my website at:

Denis Baker Emus 

As an added bonus during this winter season, mention Emu Oil Lip Balm in the comment section of your order form and I will send one to you free of charge along with your order.


Denis Baker 

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Purple Emu Emu Oil is available by clicking Order Here and on many other pages of this website.

Mention the season Winter of 2025 in the comment section of your Emu Oil Products Order Form and I will send you free of charge a little something extra along with your order.

Emu Oil is currently available locally in Bastrop, Louisiana at Pearce Pharmacy, Lee's Pharmacy, Nutrition Point, Etc. Catering and C and K Gardens. Emu Oil is also currently available in Monroe, Louisiana at Thurmanize on Hudson Lane.
Featured use for Emu Oil this month is Psoriasis Care. The special this month is Purple Emu Psori-Care 11 Psoriasis Cream 4 oz. Jar. Regular price $18.00. Special price $13.00.
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