Emu Oil - Denis Baker Emus - Life just got better!

Interesting Articles On Emu Oil

Interesting Articles On Emu Oil

Emu Oil - Tis The Season For Dry Chapped Skin, Aches And Pains.

Emu Oil  for dry chapped skin.  Skin can lose its natural oil from cold temperatures, extreme winds and dry indoor heat.  From these conditions the skin can become dry, cracked and lose its natural healthy look.  Rashes, itchy skin even eczema can occur.  There is help for these conditions.  Emu Oil is a natural skin emollient that penetrates the layers of skin to help replenish the skins natural oil.  Emu Oil can be used in its pure form or found in moisturizers and cosmetics. 

Emu Oil for aches and pains. Colder temperatures can also lead to pain and discomfort in the joints and muscles.  Emu Oil is one of natures best kept secrets.  It is known for its pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, deep penetrating, moisturizing, soothing, softening and healing properties.

This amazing oil is all natural and highly effective.

Emu Oil is natures gift to your skin.

Emu Oil - Nineteen Familiar Ailments – Which Do You Need Relief From? 

Rough, Dry, Itchy Skin. 

Joint and Muscle Pain and Stiffness. 

Skin Care and Skin Disorders. 

Burns, Wounds, Sores and Scars.

Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendonitis and Rheumatism.

Thin Skin, Wrinkles and Age Spots.

Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis and Rashes.

Emu Oil is an excellent product. Good for a wide array of applications. 

Emu Oil - Get Ready For The Summer Sun.

Packing for vacation? Getting ready for summer?

Don’t forget the Emu Oil!

Many travelers don't realize that taking along Emu Oil makes summer vacation more comfortable and therefore more enjoyable. By applying a small amount of Emu Oil, you can take the burn out of sunburn and sidestep the peeling phase.

You can take the sting out of most insect bites and soothe chafing after a day's sightseeing. And with Emu Oil, you can prevent dry skin and chapped lips in any climate.

Emu Oil fights inflammation and relieves pain. It begins healing faster so people feel better sooner. It works quickly and is a natural substance.

Emu Oil consistently promotes healing of sunburned skin, stops the stinging and prevents tightness and peeling.

So, if you are packing for vacation or just simply planning for the summer, don’t forget the Emu Oil.

Emu Oil Combats Rough Dry Cracking Winter Skin, Naturally.

Each winter, consumers seek solutions to combat skin problems that accompany drastic seasonal temperature changes. Loss of skin's natural oil from cold temperatures, extreme winds and dry indoor heat can make skin parched, cracked and lose its smooth, natural healthy look.

Emu Oil is a natural skin emollient that is highly penetrating and non-comedogenic. An excellent moisturizer, the thick, soothing Oil is often used alone in its pure form or found in moisturizers and cosmetics.

Medical specialists discovering the benefits of Emu Oil are also adapting it into treatment techniques for relieving the symptoms of arthritis, preventing scars and treating eczema. Emu Oil is anti-inflammatory. In addition to reducing swelling and stiffness in joints, it reduces bruising and muscle pain. Professional sports trainers and players recognize the benefits of Emu Oil and use it for sprains, pulled muscles, and sore joints.

Emu Oil has also been proven to thicken the skin of the elderly by as much as 14 percent and is used widely to treat pressure sores.


What do NBA players, Olympic athletes, and Aboriginal tribesmen have in common? Two things. They are all extremely active and all seek comfort to soothe their aching bodies after a hard work out or a 20 mile jaunt in the out-back. They also use Emu Oil to achieve that result! 
The good news is you don't have to be a sports personality or native Australian to reap the benefits from this unusual oil. Carpenters, postal workers and gardeners are finding out Emu Oil not only moisturizes the rough, dry or callused hands, it also works to comfort the rest of their bodies. 
Researchers are hard pressed to explain the benefits from Emu Oil. They know Emu Oil works for many different uses and are still diligently investigating the results and effects of this unique oil. Laboratory experiments consistently point to Emu Oil's ability to treat inflammation and pain. A ten year clinical study reported reduced pain, swelling and stiffness for patients using Emu Oil, especially on hands, feet, knees and elbows. 
Because Emu Oil spreads, you only need a drop or two to be effective. This makes the use of Emu Oil very cost effective compared to other compounds. Emu Oil has no known side effects like those listed with other formulas. When combined topically with other products, Emu Oil only enhances to ensure positive results. 
Whether you are a secretary, soldier or arthritis sufferer, try Emu Oil. It works naturally and you benefit, regardless of your walk of life. Emu Oil has already proven itself through the ages to people who work and play hard. So spread the relief, then spread the word...Emu Oil really works.

Emu Oil - Life Just Got Better!

For health conscious individuals who want THE Natural Alternative, Emu Oil improves health naturally – both topically and internally – and also relieves discomfort from skin and inflammatory conditions. It helps people feel healthier, happier and more attractive.

Unlike other choices, certified Emu Oil:

  • Promotes faster relief as a superior skin supplement.
  • Transports products quickly through the skin getting ingredients to the source of the problem – allowing OTC and cosmetic products to work better.
  • Ensures consumer safety when it’s fully refined Emu Oil certified by the American Emu Association.
  • Emu Oil is a natural product with diverse applications and is available for consumers of all ages.
  • Multiple conditions can be improved by using Emu Oil without side effects.
  • Nationally acclaimed researcher, Dr. Barry Sears said, "Emu Oil is an untapped resource and currently now is where aspirin was in the early 1900's."
  • Emu Oil is a healthy, complex, topical or ingestible oil, which contains a natural anti-inflammatory and is trans-dermal. In addition to reducing swelling and stiffness in joints, it reduces bruising and muscle pain. Professional sports trainers and players recognize the benefits of emu oil.
  • Emu Oil is a natural emollient. Emu Oil helps combat the effects of the aging process. Research has shown Emu Oil can thicken the skin, which reduces the appearance of aging.
  • Medical specialists are discovering the benefits of Emu Oil and are adapting it into their treatment techniques.
  • Emu Oil is a natural, environmentally friendly product. 

Emu Oil Offers Hope To Burn Victims. 

Burn victims, unlike many other accident victims, are faced with a multitude of roadblocks on the road to recovery. Beyond the shock and trauma of the initial incident, they must endure agonizing pain, the ever-present risk of infections and the actual treatment of their wounds as well, which often entails scraping the burn site to promote new skin growth. The likelihood of extensive scarring without and sometimes even with numerous plastic surgical procedures is an ever-present anxiety as well. However, some Physicians are finding that the addition of Emu Oil to the treatment for burn victims is affording a ray of hope to their future recovery. 

Emu Oil, in many circles, is known for its support of the healing process where tissue is involved. Emu Oil, with its totally natural properties, may offer burn victims and attending Physicians some hope in the battle to promote new skin growth and find ways to lessen the extent of the prolonged and painful traditional treatments of skin scraping and numerous skin grafting in burn cases. 

New Millennium Skin Care Includes Emu Oil.

The Aborigines of Australia had a secret for centuries, Emu Oil. I bet that once you hear about the benefits of Emu Oil, you won't be able to keep the secret either! For centuries men and women, young or old, Doctor or housewife, have used Emu Oil. The uses of Emu Oil are as diversified as the people who use it. 

Emu Oil, is a creamy moisturizing substance that nurtures the skin. As soothing to the skin as a fountain of water is in the heat of summer, Emu Oil nourishes the body. Emu Oil allows the body to take care of itself by supplying essential fatty acids and other natural essentials. Emu Oil quenches the needs and desire of the body to replenish, re-vitalize and rejuvenate itself naturally.

Studies found Emu Oil to be non-comedogenic, meaning that it doesn't clog pores making Emu Oil very effective for a variety of uses.

Many personal testimonials tempt us with overwhelming facts of effective results. One testimony boasts "Most topical treatments used today are not effective, or in many cases, can cause further skin irritation instead of helping the problem. With the use of Emu Oil, positive effects are apparent, usually within three days of the start of treatment."

And because Emu Oil has moisturizing properties, it leaves the feeling of expensive Persian silks on your skin. 

Research Proves Emu Oil Claims Valid.

Lowell, MASS - For years people have touted the natural health benefits of Emu Oil. Healing, penetrating, anti-aging and cholesterol lowering testimonials have been used to promote this food by-product from the Emu, a domestically raised livestock in the U. S.

Dr. Robert Nicolosi, Director of the Center for Health and Disease Research at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell, has been conducting research to evaluate these claims. "Animal trials indicate that Emu Oil does have cholesterol lowering, anti-inflammatory and transdermal properties," reports Nicolosi. Nicolosi admits that he was initially skeptical but that the research results have changed his mind.

Two different trials were done to evaluate the transdermal qualities of Emu Oil. In both trials, a topical application of Emu Oil containing either tocopherol (Vitamin E) or DHA (docosahexanoic) to the shaved surface of hamsters was done. Periodic blood samples taken over a seven day period showed conclusively that Emu Oil is transdermal and that it can be utilized for transdermal delivery. The data also suggests that the transdermal qualities of Emu Oil might actually be greater than other oils currently being utilized daily in hundreds of over-the-counter remedies for such things as weight loss, smoking, testosterone and hormonal replacement therapy. There could be a future use for Emu Oil as the carrier in these and other applications.

Inflammation studies with mice indicated that Emu Oil significantly reduced induced inflammation 42% to 71% depending on when it was applied. A comparison of these results with those of other oils in the omega 3 family indicates that Emu Oil has a greater affect on reducing inflammation. Since diseases such as arthritis are often earmarked by inflammation, the anti-inflammatory properties of Emu Oil as well as the transdermal qualities indicate Emu Oil will have a place in topical applications, if not as a topical application.

Cholesterol research with hamsters fed a hypercholesterolemic diet followed by inclusion of Emu Oil provided incredible results. Emu Oil reduced the total cholesterol over 30%. Low Density Liprotein (bad cholesterol) was reduced 25%. With over 100 million Americans suffering from high cholesterol, cholesterol lowering drugs make up a major part of the pharmaceutical products market. Emu Oil in an ingestible form may become a very attractive alternative for some consumers.

"Our research continues to study the many intriguing aspects of this oil. The most recent conclusions are very promising for millions of Americans," said Nicolosi.

Ditch the Itch - With Emu Oil, The Natural Alternative.

Use Emu Oil to relieve itching caused by poison ivy, oak or sumac.

It's a pretty spring day and you can't resist the urge to do a little spring-cleaning in the yard and flowerbeds. You pull out weeds, trim a few bushes, and maybe even burn some dead branches. Later that evening you absent-mindedly scratch a small but persistent itch. Within hours you realize that the irritation has spread and you have a full-blown rash caused by exposure to poison ivy. You are not alone; nearly 90% of the population is allergic to urushiol, the oil found in poison ivy, oak and sumac. The allergic reactions range from redness, bumps, blisters, itching and swelling to enlarged glands and fever in severe cases.

Urushiol begins to penetrate the skin within minutes, and rashes form within 12 to 48 hours. Within a few days the blisters will crust over; then it usually takes 10 or more days for the skin to heal.

There are three ways to be exposed to urushiol:

Direct contact with the sap of poison ivy, oak or sumac.
Indirect contact such as by touching a pet, garden tools or clothing that has come in contact with the sap.
Exposure to smoke from a fire burning one of these poison plants.

If you think you have been exposed to one of these poisonous plants, follow these simple steps:

Wash exposed areas with soap and cold running water within 30 minutes of exposure. If the urushiol is washed off before it can penetrate the skin, there will be no allergic reaction.
All clothing, including shoes, should be washed with a detergent also. The person handling the clothing should be aware of the danger and take precaution handling the laundry.
If you do develop a mild rash, relieve the itching by using AEA Certified Fully Refined Emu Oil. Apply only after thoroughly cleansing the affected area with soap and water.

Emu Oil is highly penetrating. Because of its transdermal qualities it could carry urushiol or other chemicals into the skin. For this reason, the American Emu Association recommends using this homeopathic remedy after bathing. Always look for the AEA Certified Fully Refined Seal. It is your guarantee of quality, not just from the company selling the oil, but from an internationally recognized and unbiased third party with no vested interest in the company.

AEA Certified Fully Refined Emu Oil is pure Emu Oil that has been tested by an American Oil Chemist Society certified chemist and meets the stringent specifications for that section of the Emu Oil Trade Rules. These Trade Rules recognize three grades of Emu Oil, Crude, Once-Refined and Fully-Refined. Fully-Refined Emu Oil is the highest, safest grade on the market with the longest shelf life. Only pure Emu Oil that has gone through this stringent evaluation process can carry the AEA Certification Seal.

Tips for Treating Fire Ant Bites.

Easing the itch will help prevent secondary infections.

While there are over 8,800 different species of ants in the world, what we hear the most about in the United States are the imported fire ants. Many people do not know that the United States has native fire ants and others that bite. Like harvester and other biting ants, the fire ant attacks in a two-part process. First the ant grabs the skin with its mandibles and then stings as many as 20 times before releasing. The venom injected into our bodies releases histamine, similar to that produced by our bodies, which in turn produces pain, itching, swelling and redness of the skin. The welt can enlarge rapidly and form a small blister. Over the next few hours the fluid in the blister will turn cloudy and the area will begin to itch. In a few rare cases there will be breathing difficulties, nausea, dizziness, shock or widespread swelling of body parts. Over 25,000 people in the U. S. seek medical treatment for fire ant bites alone each year. Of these, 12 may die.

According to Robert Winston, M. D. of the Eastside Medical Clinic in Jackson, TN, most fire ant bites are not life threatening and can be treated at home by the victim. Care should be taken to prevent secondary infections, says Dr. Winston. These are usually caused by scratching. Dr. Winston recommends these steps to aid in recovery.

1. Move to a safe area to avoid additional stings.
2. Do not scratch the pustules.
3. Clean the affected area with a good anti-bacterial soap.
4. Try to remove the venom/pus to accelerate the healing process. There are several venom extractor pumps on the market that use a vacuum to suction out insect bite poisons.
5. Taking an anti-histamine will help relieve some of the itching and possibly prevent a fever in cases of several bites.
6. Apply AEA Certified Fully Refined Emu Oil to the cleaned area to relieve itching and ease inflammation.

If you have breathing difficulties, nausea, dizziness, shock, widespread swelling of body parts or any other severe allergic reaction to an ant or other insect bite, contact your local emergency services and get immediate medical attention.

Emu Oil 101: Understanding The Basics Of Emu Oil.

Are you familiar with Emu Oil or have an understanding of what it is? If not, then the following information will present the basics of Emu Oil and give you a better understanding of what it is and perhaps what Emu Oil can be used for.

Emu Oil originates from the bird known as the Emu, which is native to Australian lands. It is believed that the Emu existed in prehistoric times and continues to thrive today. Australian Aborigines depended on the Emu as a consistent source of food, clothing, shelter and the spiritual sustenance they needed on the journeys of life. Since those times, the native Australians have utilized Emu Oil for its healing, soothing and moisturizing properties.

Where does Emu Oil come from?

There is a thick layer of fat which exists on the back of the bird just below the skin. This is known as the subcutaneous layer and is the location from which Emu Oil comes.

What is Emu Oil used for?

Emu Oil is most readily used in its pure form and in different types of cosmetics products such as facial creams, skin lotions and many other types of Emu Oil Products that are used for dealing with common skin issues.

You can also use this wonderful oil to soothe and treat minor skin irritations and burns caused by over exposure to the sun or even more severe exposure to excessive heat. Other skin irritations such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, rashes, scratches, wounds and sores can also be treated with Emu Oil and Emu Oil Products.

Emu Oil is also used in its pure form and in many different types of topical pain relievers which are used to help relieve common symptoms associated with every day issues such as arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, rheumatism, muscle pain and stiffness, strains, and even sprains. This is primarily due to the fact that Emu Oil displays anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

How can Emu Oil benefit me?

Research has shown that Emu Oil is made up of mostly mono and poly unsaturated fatty acids, including Omega 3 and Omega 6, which are important for a healthy skin and body with high levels of linolenic acid known to ease joint and muscle pain and oleic acid which produces an anti-inflammatory effect.

Emu Oil can be used to heal dry and damaged skin, especially in areas where excessive dryness and cracking occur, and it can also help moisturize your skin in order to prevent itching and irritation that are so commonly associated with dry skin conditions.

Not only can it help soothe dry skin but it can also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, thin skin and age spots which are commonly associated with aging skin. Applied early Emu Oil will also help reduce scarring. The rich oil seems to provide a more conditioned outer layer of skin that is not dry and scaly.

What Emu Oil Products Can I Buy?

There are a number of different Emu Oil Products that you can purchase today. You can buy Pure Emu Oil which can be used for any of the conditions mentioned above. You can also purchase pain relief cream, acne cream, rosacea cream, burn and wound cream, facial and skin cream, hand and body lotion, shampoo, conditioner, soap and lip balm chap stick Emu Oil Products just to name a few. All of these particular products contain the Emu Oil needed to help soothe, moisturize and repair damaged skin.

Skin Care That Is High On Santa's Gift List.

Santa knows that exposure to harsh winter weather causes special skin problems. The face, hands, arms and legs are subjected to cold, harsh, winter winds and dry, heated indoor air at this time of year. Emu Oil is the answer to dry, chapped and irritated skin.

The skin is a natural barrier against Winter's harsh conditions. The outermost layer of skin (epidermis) is very important to keeping the inner layers of skin protected. Leading skin specialists agree that this is the time of year that the skin craves oils to replenish those being lost through cold and dry conditions. Emu Oil contains wonderful Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), including Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. These EFAs along with other short chain fatty acids, help to keep the outer and inner layers of the skin nourished, moisturized and rehydrated. By using Emu Oil you can feed the outer surface of skin while replenishing the essential fatty acids deeper within the lower layers of the skin

Emu Oil can be a lifesaver for dry skin. Emu Oil's amazing transdermal properties allow it to quickly penetrate to the lower layers of the skin delivering its nutrients to the cells. It is a nourishing and moisturizing oil, which has the same lipid (fat) panel as human skin, that rebalances the fatty acids to ensure softer and more hydrated skin. Emu Oil is all natural. There are no chemicals and no fillers to further irritate your skin's already delicate state. 

Emu Oil is safe for all ages. Whether newborn or elderly, it will help to soothe your dry, itchy skin problems. When you purchase Emu Oil, look for the AEA Certified Emu Oil logo. This logo ensures that the Emu Oil has met or exceeded the AEA guidelines for Fully Refined Emu Oil.


  • Emu Oil is a natural product with diverse applications and is beneficial for consumers of all ages. 
  • Multiple skin conditions and ailments can be improved by using all natural Emu Oil, without side effects. 
  • Medical specialists are discovering the benefits of Emu Oil and are adapting it into their treatment techniques. 
  • Nationally acclaimed researcher, Dr. Barry Sears said, "Emu Oil is an untapped resource and currently now is where aspirin was in the early 1900's". 
  • Emu Oil is a healthy, complex, topical or ingestible oil. It contains a natural anti-inflammatory and is an excellent transdermal carrier of ingredients through several skin layers. In addition to reducing swelling and stiffness in joints, it reduces bruising and muscle pain. Professional sports trainers and players recognize the benefits of Emu Oil. 
  • Emu Oil is a natural emollient. Emu Oil helps combat the effects of the aging process. Research has shown that Emu Oil can thicken the skin, which reduces the appearance of aging. 
  • Emu Oil, when added to skin care and pain relief products, is a natural, environmentally friendly ingredient. It greatly enhances the effects of any formulation.

Ancient Oil Proven to Lower Cholesterol

Lowell, Massachusetts: Paramount with the times, greater numbers of Americans are discovering new ways to lower stubborn cholesterol levels. Today, modern efforts to lower high levels of cholesterol range from significant diet adjustments to an increasing emphasis aimed at dietary supplements. Dr. Robert Nicolosi, Director of the Center For Chronic Disease Control with the University of Massachusetts has concluded scientific research that Emu Oil dramatically lowered levels of cholesterol in test animals. Emu Oil, is similar to olive oil which has been used for years to control cholesterol levels in cooking, according to Dr. Nicolosi. Emu Oil is mysterious medical marvel. "Our research continues to study the many intriguing aspects of this oil and have concluded that its applications can be considered too numerous but, this most recent conclusion is very promising for millions of Americans" said Nicolosi.

Suffering From Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a common and chronic condition that usually causes patches of itchy, scaly and sometimes inflamed skin. Although they can appear anywhere, these patches are most likely to show up on knees, elbows, hands, feet scalp or your back. In some case even the fingernails and toenails can be affected.

The symptoms of Psoriasis can vary greatly depending on the severity. Researchers estimate that up to seven million people in the United States suffer from Psoriasis. That is about 2% of the population. There is no cure for Psoriasis, however there are effective treatments to keep it under control.

Depending on where Psoriasis appears on your body, it can be an embarrassing disease. People don’t understand it, are leery of it and may even avoid you. Coping with Psoriasis can cause stress, which can make your Psoriasis worse. This is a vicious cycle that you may be caught in. According to Dr Bruce E. Strober, MD, PhD, co-director of the Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Center at New York University, “Psoriasis has a tremendous impact on quality of life”. His studies show that Psoriasis detracts more from the quality of life than any other condition except depression, and that includes heart disease and diabetes.

Psoriasis cannot be passed on to other people and you can’t spread to another part of your body by touch. Your susceptibility to getting Psoriasis increases if it runs in your family, it is believed to be an inherited trait.

Triggers for Psoriasis flare-ups include cold and dry weather, stress, some medications and even infections or disease.

Can anything help you cope with this chronic skin condition?
We believe so!

Our Psori-Care II Cream is an odorless topical aid that reduces the itching, scaling and flaking associated with Psoriasis. The Emu Oil in Psori-Care II acts as a therapeutic balm by moisturizing the skin and calming the irritating symptoms. Rub our Psori-Care II into affected areas 3 times daily to help alleviate annoying skin conditions. With cold dry weather being a #1 trigger for Psoriasis symptoms and winter barreling down on us, why not try our Psori-Care II Cream? All of our products carry a money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose but the devastating discomfort of Psoriasis.

Nettie Bunton

Essential Fatty Acids Are Just That ... Essential!

Some people feel that fat is a nutrient that should be avoided at all costs, but that is not the case.

There are two fatty acids that are essential for life: linoleic acid in the Omega-6 family and linolenic acid in the Omega-3 family. Essential fatty acids have many important functions and are the building blocks of membranes around and within cells. The brain is the most membrane-rich tissue in the body, so it should be no surprise that brain function depends on an adequate supply of the right fatty acids.

The human body cannot produce essential fatty acids so we depend solely on our diets to supply them. It has been estimated by many researchers in the field that approximately 80% of the population of the United States consumes inadequate quantities of essential fatty acids. Clinical studies have shown that sufficient intake of essential fatty acids can lower cholesterol; and triglyceride levels, reduce the risk of heart attack and have shown benefit in lowering blood pressure.

The American Heart association has recommended that everyone increase the amount of fish in their diets. Fatty fish such as salmon should be eaten at least twice weekly. Many people have concerns regarding consuming large quantities of fish due to the high metal content of some fish. If you fall into this category consider supplements that will take the place of fish consumption.

By adding adequate quantities of a supplement, such as our Emu Oil Gel-Caps, containing the necessary essential fatty acids you may be able to normalize blood pressure, prevent the complications of diabetes, improve arthritis and blood circulation and increase the effectiveness of your immune system. Many studies prove that balancing the essential fatty acids in your diet can prevent and reverse many psychiatric disorders including depression.

Why not take the initiative in this small, but vital self-help step to healthier living?

Nettie Bunton

Moisturizing: Undervalued and Misunderstood!

Moisturizing is a common topic of many skin care publications.  Often times you read one theory on the need to moisturizer and the next time you see conflicting information.  So what is the best method to maintain healthy, glowing skin?

In search of good basic information, I have gathered some facts that make good sense to me that I would like to share with you.

First, why does it matter how much moisture the skin has?   Well, first of all, lack of water in or around cells disrupts normal metabolism and tissue repair.  Therefore, dehydrated skin has a decreased capacity for repair and regeneration.  By itself, dry skin is not the major cause of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.  However, since dry skin has a decreased capacity to heal, it is far more susceptible to various forms of skin damage such as sun exposure.  Dry skin is also more prone to skin infections and irritants because it has many tiny cracks allowing the offenders to sneak in.

In other words, it makes good sense to have a well-moisturized skin.  Even though moisturizing will not lift your eyelids or reverse wrinkles (except maybe recent fine lines), it will help slow down any further damage and allow other treatments to work better.  In fact, if your skin is excessively dry, most skin care treatments have a far less chance to produce desired results.

We know well-moisturized skin is somewhat less prone to developing wrinkles so what else can we do to hydrate our skin?  Many experts tell us drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day ensures proper hydration of the body and helps reduce skin dryness.  They recommend drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day.  Coffee and sodas are not a good substitute for water because they contain caffeine, which is a diuretic and promotes excretion of water via urine. 

Moisturizing from the inside means keeping the body well hydrated. When dehydrated, the body preserves the water supply to critical organs, such as the brain and the heart, but "cuts off water" to peripheral organs such as skin. Therefore, keeping the body well hydrated is an important part of keeping your skin well moisturized.

What things to avoid excessive dryness...

Be careful what you use to wash your face and how often.   Too many cleansers or soaps contain harsh ingredients that strip your skin of the so-called "acid mantle", an oil-rich protective film that locks moisture inside the skin and prevents bacterial and other infections.  Skin without the acid mantle dries up very quickly.  Even plain water can make your skin excessively dry if you wash it too often.  Generally, cleansing should be limited to once or twice a day.  (Actually, I prefer once a day if you have rosacea or sensitive skin.  A little dirt is better than over cleansing in my opinion).  It is best to use a very gentle moisturizing cleanser or facial soap that does not contain any alcohol, which removes the skin's acid mantle.   The last step is to then moisturize right after washing. 

As most of you know, I am a strong advocate of getting out in the sun and having some fun.  The sun is a valuable and vital component to a healthy body.  Sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D which has been linked to preventing many diseases.  At the same time, the sun and wind can take its toll on drying your skin.  That is why I stress the importance of using high quality Emu Oil based moisturizers.  Emu Oil not only gives you great protection from the sun, but a moisturizer containing Emu Oil lasts much longer and keeps your skin hydrated throughout the day.

The true value of your moisturizer should be measured by how often you need to apply it, what are the ingredients and how does it benefit your skin. 

“Serious Skin Care Made Simple!”

Nettie Bunton

Dry Skin Solution.

Dry, itchy skin is a nuisance that plagues many of us. This only seems to intensify during the winter months. We turn on the heat, we wear multi-layered clothing we don’t sweat due to cooler weather and with less exposed skin as with summer clothing we tend to moisturize less often.

Dry, itchy skin is perceived as an annoyance and we therefore tend to ignore it when possible or dismiss it as irritating, but here to stay. Few of us would think to ask our doctor about dry skin, it’s just one of life’s bothers. Fortunately dry, itchy skin is not dangerous. Unfortunately if you experience dry, itchy skin with a rash this could have much more serious implications. When combined with a rash, itchy skin is caused by a number of conditions including atopic dermatitis and eczema.

Common sense tells you that dry skin needs moisture. There are thousands of lotions on the market and the brands sold for “extra-dry” skin should be the best, right? Well, you need to be an educated consumer in this field. Some lotions sold for dry skin contain lactic acid or urea. While these two ingredients work great to soften the skin they can irritate itchy skin and actually make the itching worse. Many sufferers have found that doctor prescribed steroid creams are not only extremely expensive, but have side effects.

So, is there a silver lining to this cloud? 
Yes, your dry, itchy skin needs oil.

Emu Oil and moisturizers containing Emu Oil can be lifesavers for your dry skin. Emu Oil’s amazing transdermal properties quickly penetrates to the third layer of the derma to rush the relieving components which make up Emu Oil’s complex structure to the dehydrated cells. Emu Oil is a healing oil that mimics the skin’s own oils and rebalances the lipid fatty acid composition in skin to ensure softer, moisturized skin. Emu Oil is all-natural. There are no chemicals, no fillers, nothing to clog your pores or further irritate your skin’s already delicate state.

For relief of chronic dry skin you may want to consider adding Emu Oil to your diet as well as using it as a topical moisturizer. Dry, cracked skin is a sign that your diet is lacking in essential fats. Just 30 days of ingesting 3 emu oil gel-caps daily, which provide necessary Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids, will be ample time to let you experience a difference in your skin’s texture and moisture level.

Emu Oil is safe for all ages, whether newborn or elderly, this astounding oil will help alleviate your dry, itchy skin blues

Nettie Bunton

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Purple Emu Emu Oil is available by clicking Order Here and on many other pages of this website.

Mention the season Spring of 2025 in the comment section of your Emu Oil Products Order Form and I will send you free of charge a little something extra along with your order.

Emu Oil is currently available locally in Bastrop, Louisiana at Pearce Pharmacy, Lee's Pharmacy, Nutrition Point, Etc. Catering and C and K Gardens. Emu Oil is also currently available in Monroe, Louisiana at Thurmanize on Hudson Lane.
Featured use for Emu Oil this month is Psoriasis Care. The special this month is Purple Emu Psori-Care 11 Psoriasis Cream 4 oz. Jar. Regular price $18.00. Special price $13.00.
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Copyright © Denis Baker Emus Emu Oil Bastrop, LA